Day School


Our goal is to nurture the academic and social skills of a young child. We are dedicated to fostering independence and developing a love for learning, language, and culture in our students. These goals are met with the guidance of dedicated native speaking professionals who plan and provide innovative, highly interactive activities within a nurturing environment.

Our Day School program runs from September to June of each year. Regular school hours are 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM for the Chinese immersion program, and 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM for our After School English program. It is our recommendation that students stay for both programs in order to get the full range of language exposure that will prepare them for elementary school and beyond.

We also offer Before Care from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM for parents who wish to drop off their children a bit earlier.

The TCIS Experience

Tiger Cub Immersion School offers a thematic approach to learning where content, culture, and language are connected by a common thread that manifests itself in each of the subject areas. This allows children to “connect the dots” and gain a holistic perspective with the world around them.

Morning Work and Circle Time

Every day begins with morning work where our teachers curate individualized activities with the goal of helping to improve your child’s specific areas of need. Afterwards, we transition to circle time, where we discuss the topic of the day, the question of the day and the proposed project that the children are to complete. Children use this time to freely discuss and share what special occasions and events took place at home and share with their friends, giving them a chance to exercise their public speaking skills in a supportive, immersive environment.

Academic Subjects

At TCIS, we will expose children to a variety of academic subjects as part of our immersive learning model. These include:

  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social and Cultural Studies

It is important to expose children to a variety of academic subjects so that they start developing a sense of curiosity and a passion for learning. Furthermore, all of these subjects will be taught in Chinese during the day and in English during after-school hours. This gives students more opportunities to learn and use both languages in a multitude of contexts and helps to enhance their language acquisition.


Exposure to the arts is an integral part of our curriculum. Through the use of different media such as art, music, dance, and dramatic play, children begin to develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-expression. Children will learn to take directions, listen, improvise, and use different artistic techniques and to develop their own creative voice.

Free-Choice Centers

Each day, students will have a dedicated block of time for free-choice centers. Centers are activities located in specific areas around the classroom, and each day students will get to choose for themselves in which activities they wish to participate. Young children learn so much during center time—social interaction with both peers and adults, self-regulation of behavior, language development, time management, tons of age-appropriate academics, trying new things in a safe environment, and much more. It’s also a great time for them to practice various things they’ve been taught during the day.

Outdoor Play

Students will have the opportunity to play outside in our dedicated play area every day that the weather allows. Activities include playing with balls of all kinds, walking on balance beams, burrowing through play tunnels, riding tricycles, and many more. As the ground of our play area is covered in grass, students also get the chance to explore their natural surroundings when they are outside playing. Outdoor play is crucial for children as it allows them to explore nature, engage in adventures, and build self-confidence, which is why we make sure to take every opportunity we can to bring them outside.

Sample Daily Schedule

Below is a sample schedule of what a day at our school will look like.

7:30–8:30 Before Care
8:30–9:00 Students Arrive
9:00–11:30 Morning Chinese Class, includes:
  • Morning Work
  • Circle Time
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Social and Cultural Studies
  • Science
  • Snack Time
  • Recess and Bathroom Breaks
11:30–12:00 Lunch
12:00–1:30 Nap Time
1:30–3:30 Afternoon Chinese Class, includes:
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Music and Movement
  • Free Choice Centers
  • Snack Time
  • Recess and Bathroom Breaks
3:30–6:00 English Class, includes:
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Hands-on Activities
6:00–6:30 Dismissal